Notable Labor & Employment Law Decisions

The Boyd Law Group’s labor, employment and education law attorneys have represented clients in cases that have set legal precedents and resulted in settlements and victories for our clients. Some of our notable cases are listed below.

$2.1 Million Dollar Settlement Gender Discrimination Class Action Case
  • Discrimination Case

Successful representation of a class of women with gender discrimination case coordinated with the EEOC and resulting in a New York Law Journal ranked top settlement.

  • $395,000 Dollar Arbitration Win
    • Discrimination Case
    Sexual Harassment Case Prevailed in an arbitration, which went ...
  • $390,000 Pre-filing Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Race discrimination claims settled for executive in media indust ...
  • $325,000 (approximately) Pre-filing Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Wall street whistleblower claim settled against foreign bank.
  • $250,000 Pre-filing Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Pregnancy Discrimination Successful pregnancy discrimination ...
  • $175,000 Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Successfully negotiated severance of a medical professional with ...
  • $150,000 Dollar Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Breach of Contract and Age Claims Successful representation of ...
  • $95,0000 Dollar Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    National Origin Discrimination & Retaliation Claim Successful ...
  • $65,000 Dollar Settlement
    • Discrimination Case
    Sexual Harassment Successful negotiated settlement of sexual ...
  • Confidential Sum
    • Education Whistleblower Case
    Successful representation, for a confidential sum, of a school ...
  • Successful Renegotiation of Contract
    • Education Whistleblower Case
    Successfully assisted small consulting firm in collections and ...
  • Successful Defense Against Class Action Wage Claims
    • Wage Hour Case
    Successfully defended multi-restaurant company against class ...
  • Successful Defense of Wage and Hour Claim
    • Wage Hour Case
    Successfully defended and settled wage and hour claim for local ...
  • Successful Defense of Breach of Contract
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully defended branding company in NY State Supreme ...
  • Successful Negotiation of Severance Package
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully negotiated mid-seven-figure severance for CEO of ...
  • Successful Negotiation of Severance Package
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully negotiated severance/departure package of over ...
  • Successful Negotiation of Executive Contracts
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully negotiated more than fifty managing director-level ...
  • Successful Negotiation of Severance Package
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully negotiated severance/departure package valued over ...
  • Successful Negotiation of Severance Package
    • Commercial Litigation Case
    Successfully negotiated severance and non-compete for managing ...